Arizona, USA is a desert region based on real life Arizona state in the USA, it is the 2nd region in Expeditions.
Region is connected with four maps - Grand Canyon, Sonoran Desert, Wahweap Bay and Coconino, and it is covered with 37 expeditions, 41 contracts and 35 tasks. The region introduces the use of logisticians, operators and mechanics, and also the usage of portable meteostations and hydro-monitoring system.
Arizona Government[]
Grand Canyon[]
- Conquest of the Frontier
- Squatters Rights
- Fallen from Heaven
- In Order to Preserve
- Hidden Treasures of the Ford
- Urgent Repair
- Long Lost Gold
- Pit Stop
Wahweap Bay[]
- And Now, the Weather
- UFO does not Exist!
- Quiet Place
- No More Shaking!
Sonoran Desert[]
- Dehumidification Battle
- Budget Hole
Arizona National Museum[]
Grand Canyon[]
- An Unexpected Find
- Breaking Brad
- Lost and Forgotten
Wahweap Bay[]
- Main Exhibit
- Skeletal Riches
Sonoran Desert[]
- Wrong Turn
- Among the Ruins
TerraScout Geological[]
Grand Canyon[]
- TerraScout Calls for Aid
- Call Before You Dig
- Mystery of the Red Water
- Tremors
- On Shaky Ground
Wahweap Bay[]
- I Feel it in the Water
- Production Problems
Sonoran Desert[]
- Heavy Load
- For a Fistful of Copper
Great Outdoors[]
Grand Canyon[]
- Amazing Views
- A Day in the Life
- New Areas
- Living off the Grid
Wahweap Bay[]
- Hollywood Pales in Contrast!
Sonoran Desert[]
- Old Problems
- River Patrol
Arizona Government[]
- Tourism Season
- River Crossings
- Above Normal
- A Change of Position
- Early Bird
- Helping or Hurting
- Warm Reception
- Expeditions for Expeditions
- Protect the Environment
- Clean-up Protocol
- In the Flow
- Aerial View
- Looking for Water
- Beaten Path
- North Wind
- Advertising Ploy
Arizona National Museum[]
- Ancient Knowledge
- In the Dark Depths
- Images of History
- The Town that is no More
- Another Surveillance
- Hidden Traces
- Symbol of Freedom
- Triptych
TerraScout Geological[]
- Shock Rock
- Geological Surveys
- Core Problems
- Supernaculum
- Prepare for the Worst
- Seismic Resistance
- Missing Expedition
- Rocks Above Ground
- Deep Scan
- Old Pipes
Great Outdoors[]
- Fossil Photos
- Wilderness Calendar
- Viewer in the Driver's Seat
- Through the Lens
- Seat by the Water
- Like a Seagull
- Reserved Corner
Grand Canyon[]
- Lost Research
- New Friends
- New Old Friends
- Shooting Wild
- Unsuccessfull Geoanalysis
- Air Delivery
- Unfortunate Trip
- Dried Up Gorge
- Getting to Know the Area
- New Paths
- Back in Line
- Into the Deep
- Photo Hunting
- Around the Water
- On the Golden Path
- Wrong Address
- Lost Cargo
- Rare Fish
- Out of the Dirt
Wahweap Bay[]
- Look Around
- The Power of Water
- Calm, Only Calm
- Proof of Strength
- Usual Thing
- A Matter of Interest
- Somebody's Watching Me!
- They do not Understand!
- Raining Cars
Sonoran Desert[]
- Take a Look Around
- Quicksand
- Stone Sculptures
- Pioneer
- Afraid of Wolves
- Lonely Tree
- Mysterious Rocks
- AFIM S1960 - after completing the Out of the Dirt task in Coconino, player unlocks this vehicle allowing to purchase it from the store.
- Collie 293M "Pug" - after completing the Unsuccessfull Geoanalysis task in Grand Canyon, player unlocks this vehicle allowing to purchase it from the store.
- KHAN Lo4F - after completing the Unfortunate Trip task in Grand Canyon, player unlocks this vehicle allowing to purchase it from the store.
- KRS 58 "Bandit" - after completing the Quicksand task in Sonoran Desert, player unlocks this vehicle allowing to purchase it from the store.
- Tatra 805 - after completing the Raining Cars task in Wahweap Bay, player unlocks this vehicle allowing to purchase it from the store.
- Fine-tune gearbox - for KHAN Lo4F, given as a reward by completing the Squatters Rights expedition.
- LAZ 6 T195 engine - for TUZ 16 "Actaeon", given as a reward by completing An Unexpected Find expedition.
- Fine-tune gearbox - for Collie 293M "Pug", given as a reward by completing the Breaking Brad expedition.
- Rock Crawler Kit suspension - for KHAN Lo4F, given as a reward by completing the Amazing Views expedition.
- Fine-tune gearbox - for TUZ 16 "Actaeon", given as a reward by completing the New Areas expedition.
- High mounted snorkel - for TUZ 16 "Actaeon" and its Pioneer Pack variant, given as a reward by completing Above Normal contract.
- IMZ 429-EFI engine - for KHAN Lo4F, given as a reward by completing A Change of Position contract.
- High-Mount Snorkel - for Tatra 805, given as a reward by completing In the Flow contract.
- High-Mount Snorkel - for Collie 293M "Pug", given as a reward by completing Ancient Knowledge contract.
- Lift Kit suspension - for Collie 293M "Pug", given as a reward by completing Shock Rock contract.
- Highrange gearbox - for Tatra 805, given as a reward by completing Seismic Resistance contract.
- Azov AM-8 1600 engine - for Step 310E, given as a reward by completing Viewer in the Driver's Seat contract.
- High-Mount Snorkel - for KRS 58 "Bandit", given as a reward by completing Reserved Corner contract.
- Low-Mount Snorkel - for KHAN Lo4F, given as a reward by completing New Old Friends task.
- Offroad gearbox - for TUZ 16 "Actaeon" and its Pioneer Pack variant, it is located in the hill of Grand Canyon that is located in the southwestern path of the map.
- Fine-tune gearbox - for KRS 58 "Bandit", Step 310E and its Pioneer Pack variant, it is located near the river in the northeastern path of the Grand Canyon.
- Highrange gearbox - for Collie 293M "Pug", Loadstar 1700 and its Pioneer Pack variant, it is located at the river path of Grand Canyon between two bridges.
- UOD IV and UOD III tires - located in the southwestern corner of Grand Canyon map west of the lake.
- UOD IV tires available only for AFIM S1960.
- UOD III tires available for AFIM S1960, ANK MK38 Civilian, Loadstar 1700 and its Pioneer Pack variant, Step 310E and its Pioneer Pack variant.
- Twin-Motor winch - available for ANK MK38 Civilian, KRS 58 "Bandit", Step 310E and its Pioneer Pack variant and Tatra FORCE T815-7, it is located in the western corner of the map west of the western outpost.
- OS III tires - available for Cotco Canyon SR-i, DON 71 and its Pioneer Pack variant and KHAN Lo4F, located in the hill north of the field operation base.
- Offroad gearbox - for AFIM S1960, given as a reward by completing Lost and Forgotten expedition.
- Rock Crawler Kit suspension - for Step 310E, given as a reward by completing Mystery of the Red Water expedition.
- Offroad gearbox - for Step 310E, given as a reward by completing On Shaky Ground expedition.
- AS III tires - available for Cotco Canyon SR-i, DON 71 and its Pioneer Pack variant and KHAN Lo4F, given as a reward by completing New Paths task.
- High-Mount snorkel - for Step 310E and its Pioneer Pack variant, given as a reward by completing Photo Hunting variant.
- Hi-Power winch - for AFIM S1960, TUZ 108 "Warthog", TUZ 16 "Actaeon" and its Pioneer Pack variant, given as a reward by completing Around the Water task.
- Rock Crawler Kit suspension - for TUZ 16 "Actaeon" and its Pioneer Pack variant, located in the Coconino south of the northeastern airdrop.
- Fine-tune gearbox - for AFIM S1960 and TUZ 108 "Warthog", located in the southwestern path of Coconino on the hill that is west of bridge.
- Heavy Advanced Winch - for Collie 293M "Pug", Cotco Canyon SR-i, DON 71 and its Pioneer Pack variant, Loadstar 1700 and its Pioneer Pack variant, KHAN 39 Marshall, KHAN Lo4F, Tatra 805 and YAR 87 (all scouts), located in the eastern corner of the map south of the eastern airdrop in Coconino.
- T10V-18/E - for AFIM S1960, located in the southwestern corner of the Coconino west of the southwestern airdrop. For TUZ 16 "Actaeon" and its Pioneer Pack, this engine is actually the LAZ 8 T225.
- UAD IV tires - for KRS 58 "Bandit", TUZ 108 "Warthog", TUZ 16 "Actaeon" and its Pioneer Pack variant, they are located in the Coconino on the hill north of the northwestern outpost.
- 8TA-B 3000 engine - for Tatra 805, given as a reward by completing Skeletal Riches expedition.
- UAD III tires - for Tatra 805, given as a reward by completing The Power of Water task.
- UOD II tires - for Tatra 805, given as a reward by completing Calm, Only Calm task.
- UAD IV tires - for Tatra 805, given as a reward by completing Proof of Strength task.
- UOD III tires - for Tatra 805, given as a reward by completing They do not Understand! task.
- Advanced Winch - for Collie 293M "Pug", Cotco Canyon SR-i, DON 71 and its Pioneer Pack variant, Loadstar 1700 and its Pioneer Pack variant, KHAN 39 Marshall, KHAN Lo4F, Tatra 805 and YAR 87 (all scouts), located in the Wahweap Bay in the southern corner of map.
- UAD III tires - for AFIM S1960, ANK MK38 Civilian, Loadstar 1700 and its Pioneer Pack variant and Step 310E and its Pioneer Pack variant, in the western corner of the Wahweap Bay map on the hill north of the ford.
- In the eastern corner of the Wahweap Bay map, east of the ford, two upgrades are located here:
- Azov AM-4v 160 engine for YAR 87. For Tatra 805, this engine is actually the T9-T 3500.
- M20-V8/E4 for Collie 293M "Pug".
- In the northern corner of the Wahweap Bay map, on the hill that is near the swamp, three variants of lift kit suspension are located here:
- On the hill situated in the northwestern corner of the Wahweap Bay map, four variants of rock crawler kit suspension are located here:
- For Loadstar 1700 and its Pioneer Pack variant.
- For Tatra 805.
- For YAR 87.
- Highrange gearbox - for KRS 58 "Bandit", given as a reward by completing Budget Hole expedition.
- LAZ 8 TE280M engine - for KRS 58 "Bandit", given as a reward by completing Old Problems expedition.
- OHS II tires - for Tatra FORCE T815-7, given as a reward by completing Stone Sculptures task.
- T3D-X 820 engine - for Tatra FORCE T815-7, given as a reward by completing Afraid of Wolves task.
- In the northern corner of the Sonoran Desert map, two variants of lift kit suspension are located here:
- For ANK MK38 Civilian.
- Advanced Winch - for ANK MK38 Civilian, KRS 58 "Bandit", Step 310E and its Pioneer Pack variant and Tatra FORCE T815-7, located in the swamp at the eastern corner of Sonoran Desert map.
- On southeastern corner of the Sonoran Desert map, two types of tires are located here:
- UOD II tires - for AFIM S1960, ANK MK38 Civilian, Loadstar 1700 and its Pioneer Pack variant and Step 310E and its Pioneer Pack variant.
- TrO II tires - for Collie 293M "Pug".
- In the center of Sonoran Desert map, two variants of TrM I tires are located here:
- Unique variant for Collie 293M "Pug".
- Variant for KHAN 39 "Marshall" and YAR 87.
- On the hill situated in the western corner of the Sonoran Desert map, two variants of the HK12-TE/M engine are located here:
- Standard variant, for KRS 58 "Bandit".
- Stronger variant, for ANK MK38 Civilian, which is actually the A16V-M900 engine.
- In the western corner of the Sonoran Desert map, on the hill, two types of the offroad gearbox are located here:
- For ANK MK38 Civilian.
- Heavy Bullbar Bumper - for TUZ 16 "Actaeon" and its Pioneer Pack variant, given as a reward by competing the Conquest of the Frontier expedition.
- Big Reinforced Bumper - for Collie 293M "Pug", given as a reward by completing the Fallen from Heaven expedition.
- Emergency Reserve M - for Collie 293M "Pug", given as a reward by completing the In Order to Preserve expedition.
- Emergency Reserve L - for Collie 293M "Pug", given as a reward by completing the TerraScout Calls for Aid expedition.
- Side Mounted Racks - for KHAN Lo4F, given as a reward by completing the Tourism Season contract.
- Heavy Fenders - for Collie 293M "Pug", given as a reward by completing the River Crossings contract.
- Heavy Bullbar Bumper - for AFIM S1960, given as a reward by completing Early Bird contract.
- Reinforced Nerf Bars - for Step 310E and its Pioneer Pack variant, given as a reward by completing the Helping or Hurting contract.
- Emergency Reserve M - for TUZ 16 "Actaeon" and its Pioneer Pack variant, given as a reward by completing the Protect the Environment contract.
- Roof Rack - for KRS 58 "Bandit", given as a reward by completing Aerial View contract.
- Heavy Bullbar Bumper - for Step 310E and its Pioneer Pack variant, given as a reward by completing In the Dark Depths contract.
- Big Reinforced Bumper - for KRS 58 "Bandit", given as a reward by completing Symbol of Freedom contract.
- Heavy Bullbar Bumper - for Collie 293M "Pug", given as a reward by completing Geological Surveys contract.
- Spare Wheel Mounts - for Collie 293M "Pug", given as a reward by completing Core Problems contract.
- External Rollcage - for Collie 293M "Pug", given as a reward by completing Supernaculum contract.
- Side-Mounted Rack - for AFIM S1960, given as a reward by completing Prepare for the Worst contract.
- Big Reinforced Bumper - for Tatra 805, given as a reward by completing Missing Expedition contract.
- External Rollcage - for KRS 58 "Bandit", given as a reward by completing Old Pipes contract.
- Roof Rack - for KHAN Lo4F, given as a reward by completing Fossil Photos contract.
- Roof Rack - for AFIM S1960, given as a reward by completing Wilderness Calendar contract.
- Small Kung - for Tatra 805, given as a reward by completing Through the Lens contract.
- Rear-Mounted Rack - for TUZ 16 "Actaeon" and its Pioneer Pack variant, given as a reward by completing Seat by the Water contract.
- External Rollcage - for Tatra FORCE T815-7, given as a reward by completing Dried Up Gorge task.
- Emergency Reserve M - for KHAN Lo4F, given as a reward by completing Hidden Treasures of the Ford expedition.
- Emergency Reserve M - for AFIM S1960, given as a reward by completing Urgent Repair expedition.
- Emergency Reserve L - for TUZ 16 "Actaeon" and its Pioneer Pack variant, given as a reward by completing Pit Stop expedition.
- Side-Mounted Rack - for Tatra FORCE T815-7, given as a reward by completing Wrong Address task.
- Roof Rack - for Step 310E and its Pioneer Pack variant, given as a reward by completing Lost Cargo task.
- Emergency Reserve L - for AFIM S1960 and TUZ 108 "Warthog", on the island located in the northwestern part of Coconino map.
- External Rollcage - for TUZ 16 "Actaeon" and its Pioneer Pack variant, given as a reward by completing No More Shaking! expedition.
- Emergency Reserve M - for Tatra 805, given as a reward by completing Hollywood Pales in Contrast! expedition.
- On the hill situated in the northeastern corner of the Wahweap Bay map, four types of Emergency Reserve L are located here:
- For Loadstar 1700 and its Pioneer Pack variant.
- For KHAN Lo4F.
- For Tatra 805.
- Emergency Reserve M - for KRS 58 "Bandit", given as a reward by completing For a Fistful of Copper expedition.
- Emergency Reserve L - for Tatra FORCE T815-7, given as a reward by completing Pioneer task.